Does the christian God exist?
Christians themselves sure have problems proving the existence of their deity, but followers of Cain can actually prove that the christian deity exists. Not only does “god” exist it is a supernatural ‘being’ that does have an effect on the lives of human beings.
It very simple terms the abrahamic deity, or any deity, is a man-made concept that, through thousands of years of actions made in the name of the deity as well as cultures forming based on this concept, creates the deity’s existence. Noone can deny that good and bad things have been done by humans based on the ideology behind the concept of “god”. Any god, at any time, that has had actions done in it’s name and has had an impact on the life and culture of humans exists as a concept and has had some kind of influence in the lives of ‘mere mortals’.
For thousands of years humans have worshipped deities and created some sort of ideology and moral-code based on that deity. It is man-made, but not by a single person. Rules have been created and enforced in the name of this “unseen deity”, but the unseen part is only that it doesn’t exist in the physical world, but as an ‘ideal’.
No human is, of course, able or willing to live up to the ideal of the deity created by the actions of so many ordinary humans and, especially, their leaders who have used the delusion of divinity as basis for their power – and as an excuse to further their political goals as ‘morally right’.
If you don’t believe in a deity consider this;
Have people, throughout time, used religion as an excuse to take any kind of action?
If the answer is “No, humans have never used a ‘divine’ entity as an excuse to take any kind of action” I would implore you to read a history book or go to the local church. The existence of that church and the people using it is proof that people are using deities as an excuse to perform action they deem morally right or to seek guidance.
If the answer is “Yes, humans have always used their deities to claim moral rights for their actions” you are quite right.
And the fact that these “moral actions” have taken place and formed our cultures proves that deities does exist.
But you can’t quantify this “deity” in any way. You can’t look directly at it. You can’t see, hear or feel it, but it’s there – through the actions of ‘believers’ who use these man-made ideologies as their excuse for their actions. That makes it hard to comprehend – and supernatural.
“Supernatural” is used here as a way to describe the in-describable – the thing you cannot measure in any way.
Yes, deities of all kinds of exist as man-made concepts
Yes, they are supernatural because we cannot measure or accurately describe them
Believers in a deity will swear that their deity exists and is a conscious Being.
Athetists will argue no such thing exists.
Followers of Cain believes all religions are man-made concepts meant to control other humans, and too many rulers have used religion as their moral compass – whether they actually believed in the deity or not – and through their actions have created the cultures we live in today.
And this is important. Religions hold sway over billions of people and, in one way or another, over all people. They either believe in a deity themselves or is forced into compliance to the moral codes of the deity of their rulers. That too is evidence that all the deities exist.
The Disciples of Cain and the followers of our ideology acknowledges that deities exists as ‘ideas/concepts’ and they are used to manipulate. It doesn’t matter whether or not the ‘believer’ actually believes in the deity (self-delusion) or simply uses the deity as a crudgel to manipulate others; we believe deities are man-made concepts and they are all wrong.
We are aware this makes little to no sense to you if you’re a believer and even atheists will have a hard time with it.
But can you honestly deny the existence of deities when so much has been done because of the belief in those same deities?